Dall’Italiano al mondo and the leading role of translators

Seizing the precious opportunity of Italy being celebrated as the Guest of Honor, Salone del Libro’s annual online symposium on translation took place in person on the first day of the Buchmesse.

Some of the most relevant players in the Italian publishing scene, along with publishers who specialise in Italian publications, took part in the conversation. The fascinating two-hour-and-a-half conference was especially appreciated by the 15 fellows invited by the Salone to the Frankfurt bookfair with the most precious support of ITA – the Italian Trade Agency. Also, since appetite comes with eating, Dall’Italiano al Mondo has announced its next in-person event for January 2025 at the New York Multipli Forti festival. See you there!

Audience at the symposium
Welcome greetings. From left to right: Curator Ilide Carmignani, Director of the Turin Bookfair Annalena Benini, President of the Frankfurter Buchmesse Juergen Boos
How do Italian books travel abroad? From left to right: Ana Rodado (Anagrama), Linus Guggenberger (Verlag Klaus Wagenbach), Audrey Scarbel (Éditions Grasset et Fasquelle), Annalena Benini (Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino), Michael Reynolds (Europa Editions)
The fellow translators at the Buchmesse First row from left to right: Richard Dixon, UK; Leah Janeczko, USA; Gabriela Lungu, Romania; Nana Zardiashvili, Georgia; Duygu Er, Turkey; Ana Badurina, Croatia; Carlos Gumpert, Spain; Lorenza Honorati, Salone del Libro di Torino; Demetra Dotsi, Greece Second row: Naglaa Gamaleldin Soliman Waly, Egypt; Mimoza Hysa, Albania; Tomasz Kwiecien, Poland; Curator Ilide Carmignani; Laura Brignon, France; Anna Casassas, Catalunya; Manon Smits, The Netherlands; Johanna Hedenberg, Sweden; Ana Claudia Santos, Portugal