Rights Centre

Our spotlight on the book trade

Rights Centre means professional exchange, business and rights market, but it is also an occasion to focus on important topics involving professionals of the publishing and audio-visual industry.  

The area is designed for all the Italian and international publishing houses, foreign rights managers, literary and scouting agencies, film/TV agencies and production companies.

The two sections of the Rights Centre

Any serious publisher with international aspirations should go. Three reasons. First, it’s well-organised and very enjoyable. Second, very interesting people gather there - editors, publishers, agents and scouts. And third, it's a strong and convivial reminder of the importance of books. (…) It's a brilliant occasion and a reminder that what we do in the book world matters a lot.

Andrew Franklin, Profile Books, UK

It’s a dynamic and well organized fair and the online platform to set up meetings is a wonderful tool also for reaching out to new contacts instead of only meeting the people you already know. See you next year Torino!


Anna Lindblom, Nordik Literary Agency, France
